Sharing & Publishing SpecFlow+LivingDoc

Sharing SpecFlow+LivingDoc HTML file

If you used the CLI tool to generate stand alone LivingDoc then keep in mind that the generated HTML is a single page application with no external dependencies, so you can share it as you wish

The possible sharing options depend on your current infrastructure setup and needs, but here are some ideas:

  • Any file sharing solution (Windows file share, Sharpoint, Dropbox etc.)
  • Hosting the generated HTML with any of the static HTML hosting services such as Azure Blob Storage and AWS

Store it in your Continuous Integration Server


You can use the Thrid-Party Reports feature of TeamCity to publish the HTML to your Build Results.


You can use the HTML Publisher Plugin of Jenkis to publish the HTML.


You can publish the HTML as GitLab Pages. You can follow this article which shows how to publish a HTML coverate report.