You may have at least seen the ScenarioContext from the code that SpecFlow generates when a missing step definition is found: ScenarioContext.Pending();
provides access to several functions, which are demonstrated using the following scenarios.
Accessing the ScenarioContext¶
In Bindings¶
To access the ScenarioContext
you have to get it via context injection.
public class Binding
private ScenarioContext _scenarioContext;
public Binding(ScenarioContext scenarioContext)
_scenarioContext = scenarioContext;
Now you can access the ScenarioContext in all your Bindings with the _scenarioContext
In Hooks¶
Accessing the ScenarioContext
is not possible, as no Scenario
is executed when the hook is called.
Accessing the ScenarioContext
is not possible, as no Scenario
is executed when the hook is called.
Accessing the ScenarioContext
is done like in normal bindings
Accessing the ScenarioContext
is done like in normal bindings
Migrating from ScenarioContext.Current¶
With SpecFlow 3.0, we marked ScenarioContext.Current obsolete, to make clear that you that you should avoid using these properties in future. The reason for moving away from these properties is that they do not work when running scenarios in parallel.
So how do you now access ScenarioContext?
Before SpecFlow 3.0 this was common:
public class Bindings
[Given(@"I have entered (.*) into the calculator")]
public void GivenIHaveEnteredIntoTheCalculator(int number)
ScenarioContext.Current["Number1"] = number;
public void BeforeScenario()
Console.WriteLine("Starting " + ScenarioContext.Current.ScenarioInfo.Title);
As of SpecFlow 3.0, you now need to use Context-Injection to acquire an instance of ScenarioContext by requesting it via the constructor.
public class Bindings
private readonly ScenarioContext _scenarioContext;
public Bindings(ScenarioContext scenarioContext)
_scenarioContext = scenarioContext;
Once you have acquired the instance of ScenarioContext, you can use it with the same methods and properties as before.
So our example will now look like this:
public class Bindings
private readonly ScenarioContext _scenarioContext;
public Bindings(ScenarioContext scenarioContext)
_scenarioContext = scenarioContext;
[Given(@"I have entered (.*) into the calculator")]
public void GivenIHaveEnteredIntoTheCalculator(int number)
_scenarioContext["Number1"] = number;
public void BeforeScenario()
Console.WriteLine("Starting " + _scenarioContext.ScenarioInfo.Title);
Storing data in the ScenarioContext¶
ScenarioContext helps you store values in a dictionary between steps. This helps you to organize your step definitions better than using private variables in step definition classes.
There are some type-safe extension methods that help you to manage the contents of the dictionary in a safer way. To do so, you need to include the namespace TechTalk.SpecFlow.Assist, since these methods are extension methods of ScenarioContext.
allows you to access information about the scenario currently being executed, such as its title and scenario and feature tags:
In the .feature file:
Feature: My feature
Rule: My rule
@scenario_tag1 @scenario_tag2
Scenario: Showing information of the scenario
When I execute any scenario
Then the ScenarioInfo contains the following information
| Field | Value |
| Title | Showing information of the scenario |
| Tags | scenario_tag1, scenario_tag2 |
| CombinedTags | scenario_tag1, scenario_tag2, feature_tag, rule_tag |
and in the step definition:
private class ScenarioInformation
public string Title { get; set; }
public string[] Tags { get; set; }
public string[] CombinedTags { get; set; }
[When(@"I execute any scenario")]
public void ExecuteAnyScenario(){}
[Then(@"the ScenarioInfo contains the following information")]
public void ScenarioInfoContainsInterestingInformation(Table table)
// Create our small DTO for the info from the step
var fromStep = table.CreateInstance<ScenarioInformation>();
fromStep.Tags = table.Rows[0]["Value"].Split(',');
// Short-hand to the scenarioInfo
var si = _scenarioContext.ScenarioInfo;
// Assertions
also provides access to the current set of arguments from the scenario’s examples in the form of an IOrderedDictionary
Scenario: Accessing the current example
When I use examples in my scenario
Then the examples are available in ScenarioInfo
| Sport | TeamSize |
| Soccer | 11 |
| Basketball | 6 |
public class ScenarioExamplesDemo
private ScenarioInfo _scenarioInfo;
public ScenarioExamplesDemo(ScenarioInfo scenarioInfo)
_scenarioInfo = scenarioInfo;
[When(@"I use examples in my scenario")]
public void IUseExamplesInMyScenario() {}
[Then(@"the examples are available in ScenarioInfo")]
public void TheExamplesAreAvailableInScenarioInfo()
var currentArguments = _scenarioInfo.Arguments;
var currentSport = currentArguments["Sport"];
var currentTeamSize = currentArguments["TeamSize"];
Console.WriteLine($"The current sport is {currentSport}");
Console.WriteLine($"The current sport allows teams of {currentTeamSize} players");
Another use is to check if an error has occurred, which is possible with the ScenarioContext.TestError
property, which simply returns the exception.
You can use this information for “error handling”. Here is an uninteresting example:
in the .feature file:
#This is not so easy to write a scenario for but I've created an AfterScenario-hook
Scenario: Display error information in AfterScenario
When an error occurs in a step
and the step definition:
[When("an error occurs in a step")]
public void AnErrorOccurs()
"not correct".Should().Equal("correct");
public void AfterScenarioHook()
if(_scenarioContext.TestError != null)
var error = _scenarioContext.TestError;
Console.WriteLine("An error ocurred:" + error.Message);
Console.WriteLine("It was of type:" + error.GetType().Name);
This is another example, that might be more useful:
public void AfterScenario()
if(_scenarioContext.TestError != null)
In this case, MvcContrib is used to capture a screenshot of the failing test and name the screenshot after the title of the scenario.
Use ScenarioContext.CurrentScenarioBlock
to query the “type” of step (Given, When or Then). This can be used to execute additional setup/cleanup code right before or after Given, When or Then blocks.
in the .feature file:
Scenario: Show the type of step we're currently on
Given I have a Given step
And I have another Given step
When I have a When step
Then I have a Then step
and the step definition:
[Given("I have a (.*) step")]
[Given("I have another (.*) step")]
[When("I have a (.*) step")]
[Then("I have a (.*) step")]
public void ReportStepTypeName(string expectedStepType)
var stepType = _scenarioContext.CurrentScenarioBlock.ToString();
Sometimes you need to access the currently executed step, e.g. to improve tracing. Use the _scenarioContext.StepContext
property for this purpose.