The SpecFlow+ Runner is out of maintenance. Read more about it here.

Registering SpecFlow+ (earlier versions)

SpecFlow+ Runner

Installing SpecFlow+ Runner’s NuGet packages installs SpecFlow and SpecFlow+ Runner to the /packages folder of your Visual Studio solution. After installing the packages, register your license by starting SpecRun.exe (in /packages/SpecRun.Runner.x.y.z/tools) from the command line using the following syntax:

SpecRun.exe register <LicenseKey> “<Licensee>”

Replace the placeholders (<LicenseKey>, <Licensee>), including the angled brackets, with your license key and licensee. For example:

SpecRun.exe register –licenseKey KBh8227Ahb9382QAAA=== –issuedTo “ACME Corp.”

IMPORTANT: The licensee (issued to value) is case-sensitive!

Note: If you purchased SpecFlow+ via SWREG, the licensee is the email address you used to make the purchase and that the license key was sent to.

SpecFlow+ Excel

Installing SpecFlow+ Excel’s NuGet packages installs SpecFlow and SpecFlow+ Excel to the /packages folder of your Visual Studio solution. After installing the packages, register your license by starting SpecFlow.Plus.Excel.Converter.exe (in /packages/SpecRun.Plus.Excel.x.y.z/tools) from the command line using the following syntax:

SpecFlow.Plus.Excel.Converter.exe register <LicenseKey> “<Licensee>”

Replace the placeholders (<LicenseKey>, <Licensee>), including the angled brackets, with your license key and licensee, for example:

SpecFlow.Plus.Excel.Converter.exe register KBh8227Ahb9382QAAA=== “ACME Corp.”

IMPORTANT: The licensee (issued to value) is case-sensitive!