# Importing Maps You can export your maps for backup, or in order to migrate to another system. **Note that the export only includes your map data. It does not include any work items. If you export a map and then import it into a system that does not contain the work items referenced by the map with the same IDs, the map will not display correctly.** For details on how to export maps, see [Exporting Maps](Exporting_Maps.md). To import a map: 1. Mouse over any map, and click on the menu icon.\ ![Import map](../_static/images/ManagingMaps/Import_Map.png) 1. Select **Import map**(s). 1. Select the exported map file in the **Open** dialog. 1. All maps in the selected file are imported. Imported maps have the "- imported" suffix in their name:\ ![Imported map](../_static/images/ManagingMaps/Imported_Map.png)