# Generating a TRX file To generate a TRX file with SpecFlow+ Runner, you will need to start your tests from the command line using `vstest.console.exe` with the `/logger:trx` option to generate a TRX file. You have to execute it in the output folder of your test project (`bin\debug\`). ## SpecFlow+Runner 1.8 and Later Execute your tests using the following syntax: `vstest.console.exe /logger:trx` ## Before SpecFlow+Runner 1.8 You have to specify the path to the testadapter, so you execute your tests using the following syntax: `vstest.console.exe /TestAdapterPath: /logger:trx` Replace `` with the name of your test assembly. is the path to the `TechTalk.SpecRun.VisualStudio.TestAdapter.dll` (located in the `/packages/specrun/tools` directory of your project).