# Azure DevOps Extension Once you have [generated your documentation](../Generating/Generating-Documentation.md) using the [SpecFlow+ build step](../Generating/Adding-a-Build-Step.md) **1** - Select **Overview |SpecFlow+** from the Azure DevOps menu to view the documentation. **2** - Use the drop-down at the top of the page to select your repository. **3** - Use the drop-down next to it to select the branch. You can also choose pull requests from the branch selector. Once you have selected a build, the date of the build is displayed at the top. *Note: If the date shown here is older than your last build, this may indicate that the SpecFlow+ build step failed. This can happen if the build task fails to update the cache. If this occurs, manually queue a new build, which should refresh the cache.* **4** - The "Test results" toggle displayed here gives you the option to hide or show the test execution results in LivingDoc. **5** - The feature explorer depicts the structure of your specifications. Blue text entries represent features and scenarios while black text entries are based on the file structure of your project. **6** - A summary of the execution results are display for every folder in the feature tree. There are three different statuses defined here; Passed,Failed, and Other, read more about them [here](../LivingDocGenerator/Test-execution-results.md). **7** - You can download your Living Documentation from Azure DevOps as a stand-alone HTML file to share it with team members who do not use AzureDevOps. *Note: The downloaded Living Documentation will not have a Repository selector, nor a Branch selector. It will contain the data from your selected Repository and Branch.* **8** - This is the keyword lookup function, which allows you to search for keywords in LivingDoc, for more details [check out the dedicated page](../Viewing/Searching.md) for this function. **9** - Filters to add to the keyword lookup function. **10** - This open editor button allows you directly edit your feature files from within the AzureDevOps envirnoment. ![Sample Output](../_static/images/layout3.png) *> Note: Code comments are intentionally not displayed in LivingDoc to avoid polluting the document.* **Click on a scenario or feature (blue text) in the feature explorer to display the documentation generated for that scenario or feature on the right column, this is the test execution results page, [read more about it here](../LivingDocGenerator/Test-execution-results.md).**