# Azure DevOps Extension ### Version 0.6.964 (10 September 2021) - Bugfixes - Fixed security issue in markdown parsing ### Version 0.6.961 (26 August 2021) - Bugfixes - Fix scoped bindings detection ### Version 0.6.946 (30 July 2021) - Bugfixes - **[BuildTask]** Examples table with duplicate column headers should throw an exception [Github#2471](https://github.com/SpecFlowOSS/SpecFlow/issues/2471) ### Version 0.6.943 (26 July 2021) - Bugfixes - **[BuildTask]** Improve error handling of the Build Task ### Version 0.6.934 (18 June 2021) - Update SpecFlow logo ### Version 0.6.916 (11 May 2021) - New Features - Display backgrounds within the scenario sections - Display outputs (text/attachments) - **[BuildTask]** Extend with option to include/exclude test outputs - Bugfixes - **[BuildTask]** Fix path escaping bug in the BuildTask, related to [Github#2407](https://github.com/SpecFlowOSS/SpecFlow/issues/2407) ### Version 0.6.859 (19 April 2021) - New Features - Display different icons for different types of repositories - Bugfixes - **[BuildTask]** Fix validation error in on prem installation ### Version 0.6.839 (26 March 2021) - New Features - **[BuildTask]** Allow to choose input source (feature-folder, test-assembly, feature-data) - **[BuildTask]** Option to specify custom Work item URL template ### Version 0.6.784 (08 March 2021) - Technical update ### Version 0.6.759 (16 February 2021) - Technical update ### Version 0.6.739 (25 January 2021) - New Features - Small UI improvements ### Version 0.6.724 (13 January 2021) - New Features - Filter the feature tree by Scenario Result - Show a warning message when the TestExecution.json contains non matchable items, related to [Github#2249](https://github.com/SpecFlowOSS/SpecFlow/issues/2249) - **[BuildTask]** Allow to merge multiple TestExecution.json files into one report - Bugfixes - Fix the styling of Markdown tables in Feature/Scenario descriptions [Github#2246](https://github.com/SpecFlowOSS/SpecFlow/issues/2246) ### Version 0.6.672 (15 December 2020) - New Features: - None - Bugfixes: - Feature folder paths with trailing slash are correctly handled - The result of multiple tasks in the same pipeline is correctly merged ### Version 0.6.669 (08 December 2020) - New Features: - Display scenario step results - Display a summary of executed scenarios - Display SpecFlow test execution results - Display unused step definitions - Display summary chart of different step levels - Display test execution duration - Switch between test and non-test execution results view (toggle) ### Version 0.6.465 (08 October 2020) - New Features: - The "Show Source" button is renamed to "Open Editor" - Syntax highlighting for `.feature` files in the built in [Azure Repos editor](../Viewing/Editing-Feature-Files.md) - Display inherited tags of the feature on the scenarios - Bugfixes: - Fix linking to other feature files when the filename and the feature title are different - "Open Editor" button is working correctly when the branch name contains slashes (/) ### Version 0.6.437 (24 September 2020) - New Features: - The feature tree [filtering and coloring](../Viewing/Searching.md) is improved - New Share link icon for features and scenarios - **[BuildTask]** The error message is displayed when the data upload fails - Bugfixes: - **[BuildTask]** The build tasks stopped updating the LivingDoc if the size of the feature files were too big ### Version 0.6.418 (18 September 2020) - New Features: - Add support for [link to other feature files](../Generating/Markdown-and-Embedding-Images.html#internal-linking-between-features-and-scenarios) from the feature/scenario markdown description - [Download](../Viewing/viewing-livingdoc-azdo.md) the Living Documentation as a HTML - Small UI improvements - Bugfixes: - None ### Version 0.6.327 (25 August 2020) - New Features: - None - Bugfixes: - Fixed: The feature tree is empty if it contains a Scenario Outline without Examples ### Version 0.6.323 (25 August 2020) - New Features: - Small UI improvements - Bugfixes: - None ### Version 0.6.232 (25 July 2020) - New Features: - None - Bugfixes: - Error handling and logging improvements ### Version 0.6.201 (07 May 2020) - New Features: - None - Bugfixes: - Dependency updates ### Version 0.6.198 (29 April 2020) - New Features: - None - Bugfixes: - Error handling and logging improvements ### Version 0.6.192 (21 April 2020) - New Features: - The feature tree [filtering](../Viewing/Searching.md) is improved - Bugfix - When all the branches with LivingDoc data are deleted the repository is still selectable, but no branch selector is displayed ### Version 0.6.177 (30 March 2020) - New Features: - [SpecFlow Account integration](https://specflow.org/blog/introducing-the-specflow-account/) - Bugfix - None ### Version 0.6.137 (11 March 2020) - New Features: - None - Bugfixes: - Error handling and logging improvements ### Version 0.6.135 (10 March 2020) - New Features: - None - Bugfixes: - Error handling and logging improvements ### Previous versions The changes log are published in the [SpecFlow BDD Blog](https://specflow.org/blog/category/release-notes/)