# Embedding Images & Markdown You can include markdown code in your feature files with the standard Markdown features such as bold,italic, lists etc. ***>Note:** SpecFlow+LivingDoc supports the mark down syntax by [showdown.js](http://demo.showdownjs.com/ ).* You can also use markdown to embed images in your feature files. These images will then be displayed when viewing LivingDoc ## Embedding Images When embedding images, the path to the image can be specified as a relative or absolute path. You can also embed images stored externally, such as on a website. Paths are relative to the location of the feature file. Here are the possible ways to embed to images in feature files: ### Embedding an image in the same directory as the feature file `![Alt text](image.png)` ### Embedding an image in a sub-directory `![Alt text](folder/image.png)` ### Embedding an image with an absolute reference `![Alt text](/folder/image.png)` ### Embedding an image relative to the parent directory `![Alt text](../image.png)` ### Embedding an external image `![Alt text](HTTPS://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQyBVE0UKugTT3yaJZ7fpr1nVK_RC9R5853AodqdLWMcsDl4PQw)` ## Example ### Links The following code contains a link to an image in the Feature description: *Note the link **must** be between the "Feature:" row and the first scenario*. ```gherkin Feature: Calculator ![Calculator](https://specflow.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/calculator.png) In order to avoid silly mistakes As a math idiot I want to be told the sum of two numbers @mytag Scenario: Add two numbers Given the first number is 50 And the second number is 70 When the two numbers are added Then the result should be 120 ``` This is the resulting output in SpecFlow+ LivingDoc: ![Internal link in Gherkin](../_static/images/calculator2.png) ### Text The following code demonstrates the use of Markdown syntax for arbitrary text within a feature file. *Note: Asterisks **cannot be used** as bullet points below the scenario declarations becuase they are a gherkin keyword (see [here](https://docs.specflow.org/projects/specflow/en/latest/Gherkin/Gherkin-Reference.html#id1))*. ```gherkin Feature: Calculator Some text: - List item 1 - List item 2 @mytag Scenario: Add two numbers Some more text: - Scenario text 1 - Scenario text 2 - Scenario text 3 Given the first number is 50 And the second number is 70 When the two numbers are added Then the result should be 120 ``` This is the resulting output in SpecFlow+ LivingDoc: ![Internal link in Gherkin](../_static/images/markdown_example.png)