# Adding a Build Step Generating living documentation from your Gherkin files with SpecFlow+ LivingDoc requires you to add the SpecFlow+ build step to your build process. This build step parses the Gherkin files in your solution and formats them for display in DevOps/VSTS/TFS. The build step requires .NET Core 3.1 installed on the build agent. If you use Microsoft hosted agents it is automatically available. Alternatively you can use the [Use .NET Core](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/tool/dotnet-core-tool-installer?view=azure-devops) task to install the .NET Core version. **Please note the build step only generates the documentation; it does not execute any tests or build your solution.** There are two ways to configure the build step, see the appropriate chapter depending on the type of build: - Build step configured in DevOps/TFS/VSTS: See [Configuring-the-Build-Step-in-DevOps](Configuring-the-Build-Step-in-DevOps.md) - YAML build step: See [Configuring the Build Step in YAML](Configuring-the-Build-Step-in-YAML.md) **Note:** You do not need to use DevOps/VSTS/TFS to actually build your application. You can simply add a build definition that acquires the sources and generates the documentation.